Interacting with experts And learning personal skills


During the first day of the week, I was supposed to meet Mr. Chang an expert in Dot Net programming language for instructions. The session involved interview with the experts on the education requirements for one to become a programming technique. The second-day session with experts was to take place in a seminar to learn the basic requirements Dot Net programming skills. Task on the third day involved the installation of the basic required software for performing programming using software systems. The session involved understand the hardware and software system. A subtask of the session included performing hardware upgrading and software upgrading in the preparation of programming using Dot Net programming techniques (F. B. James, personal communication, February 01, 2016). The third day was training session about technologies required for advancing the higher level programming techniques. The subtask of the session included understanding the various experiences required in the operations that should be applied in Dot Net programming. The fourth day involved analyzing the basic requirements for one to implement the full development of the interfaces, applications, and web platforms. Subtask in session involved is checking online applications of Dot Net applications. The fifth day involved learning the requirements for one to secure a job as Dot Net Programmer.

I booked an appointment with Mr. Chang, the expert in Dot Net programming. According to Mr. Chang the basic education skills in a various programming language is required for on to qualify for work as Dot Net programmer. Mr. Chang guided me in understanding the basics involving C# programming skills. The training involved designing dynamic websites using ASP.Net programming techniques. I designed web services which included integrating the user interface links, graphics, and directives. The researcher requires adequate knowledge and understanding of ASP Dot Net and C# programming skill to maintain as well as implement web-oriented products (B. J. Chang, personal communication, February 08, 2016). Through the session, I installed the support software that implements web programming and development using Dot Net language. I installed Microsoft Dot Net framework to facilitate easier development of web interfaces. I upgraded the computer system using Microsoft Dot Net framework version 4. I was trained on how to integrate different operations involving other development language technologies like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading styleSheet (CSS), Java programming, and database. I took part in developing a prototype website applying the techniques and skills learned during the interview session. The supported operating system that I installed included windows 7, windows server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista.

Through the session with Mr. Chang, I understood that the basic educations requirements for one to excellently perform the programming operations using Dot Net programming language. I observed that Dot Net programming language is applied in development and designing websites applications. Both dynamic and static website can be implemented using Dot Net programming language. I observed that minimum training skills required included having a degree qualification in computer science and other computer related technologies. The skills required as a Dot Net programmer include Java programming techniques, C# programming skills HTML, CSS and ASP Dot Net programming technologies (V. L. Breda, personal communication, February 11, 2016). The session involving operations for compatibility purposes involved the utilization of the Windows operating systems. I observed that Dot Net programming language is supported by Microsoft Dot Net Framework, which is applied to the main development environment. The operations and applications covered during training enabled me to observe the implementation of Dot Net programming in designing the user interface, client-server models, and server models. I discovered the Dot Net programming language is highly recommended since it supports the compatibility of devices. Through a training session, I discovered that Dot Net programming language solves the limitations involved with compatibility problems by supporting old and new versions of database server operating system.

Through the session on acquiring skills in usage of Microsoft Dot Net was well covered through interaction with experts. Through the session, I understood the operations involving development and coding of web applications using Dot Net programming language. The activity of learning how to program in C#, ASP Dot Net was well implemented. I gained experience in implementing the applications on the websites that are well stunning, highly dynamic, high quality, and acceptable to the business entities. The session involving integrating other software programming techniques was well covered. I gained knowledge of how to implement and designing user interface using CSS. The HTML programming language was implemented in designing the applications that support the business operations of intranet and extranet services. The training on the use of Dot Net programming techniques applies the use of the security parameters as well as the implementing highly scalable, robust, and high-quality system (L. F. Middy, personal communication, February 18, 2016). The session that never went well-included training on the job applications. The session on obtaining the requirements for job requirement was not covered as planned as scheduled at the planning stage. However those parts not covered shall be researched in details in next stage.