Interacting with experts And learning personal skills


During the first day of the week, I was supposed to meet Mr. Chang an expert in Dot Net programming language for instructions. The session involved interview with the experts on the education requirements for one to become a programming technique. The second-day session with experts was to take place in a seminar to learn the basic requirements Dot Net programming skills. Task on the third day involved the installation of the basic required software for performing programming using software systems. The session involved understand the hardware and software system. A subtask of the session included performing hardware upgrading and software upgrading in the preparation of programming using Dot Net programming techniques (F. B. James, personal communication, February 01, 2016). The third day was training session about technologies required for advancing the higher level programming techniques. The subtask of the session included understanding the various experiences required in the operations that should be applied in Dot Net programming. The fourth day involved analyzing the basic requirements for one to implement the full development of the interfaces, applications, and web platforms. Subtask in session involved is checking online applications of Dot Net applications. The fifth day involved learning the requirements for one to secure a job as Dot Net Programmer.

I booked an appointment with Mr. Chang, the expert in Dot Net programming. According to Mr. Chang the basic education skills in a various programming language is required for on to qualify for work as Dot Net programmer. Mr. Chang guided me in understanding the basics involving C# programming skills. The training involved designing dynamic websites using ASP.Net programming techniques. I designed web services which included integrating the user interface links, graphics, and directives. The researcher requires adequate knowledge and understanding of ASP Dot Net and C# programming skill to maintain as well as implement web-oriented products (B. J. Chang, personal communication, February 08, 2016). Through the session, I installed the support software that implements web programming and development using Dot Net language. I installed Microsoft Dot Net framework to facilitate easier development of web interfaces. I upgraded the computer system using Microsoft Dot Net framework version 4. I was trained on how to integrate different operations involving other development language technologies like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading styleSheet (CSS), Java programming, and database. I took part in developing a prototype website applying the techniques and skills learned during the interview session. The supported operating system that I installed included windows 7, windows server 2003, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista.

Through the session with Mr. Chang, I understood that the basic educations requirements for one to excellently perform the programming operations using Dot Net programming language. I observed that Dot Net programming language is applied in development and designing websites applications. Both dynamic and static website can be implemented using Dot Net programming language. I observed that minimum training skills required included having a degree qualification in computer science and other computer related technologies. The skills required as a Dot Net programmer include Java programming techniques, C# programming skills HTML, CSS and ASP Dot Net programming technologies (V. L. Breda, personal communication, February 11, 2016). The session involving operations for compatibility purposes involved the utilization of the Windows operating systems. I observed that Dot Net programming language is supported by Microsoft Dot Net Framework, which is applied to the main development environment. The operations and applications covered during training enabled me to observe the implementation of Dot Net programming in designing the user interface, client-server models, and server models. I discovered the Dot Net programming language is highly recommended since it supports the compatibility of devices. Through a training session, I discovered that Dot Net programming language solves the limitations involved with compatibility problems by supporting old and new versions of database server operating system.

Through the session on acquiring skills in usage of Microsoft Dot Net was well covered through interaction with experts. Through the session, I understood the operations involving development and coding of web applications using Dot Net programming language. The activity of learning how to program in C#, ASP Dot Net was well implemented. I gained experience in implementing the applications on the websites that are well stunning, highly dynamic, high quality, and acceptable to the business entities. The session involving integrating other software programming techniques was well covered. I gained knowledge of how to implement and designing user interface using CSS. The HTML programming language was implemented in designing the applications that support the business operations of intranet and extranet services. The training on the use of Dot Net programming techniques applies the use of the security parameters as well as the implementing highly scalable, robust, and high-quality system (L. F. Middy, personal communication, February 18, 2016). The session that never went well-included training on the job applications. The session on obtaining the requirements for job requirement was not covered as planned as scheduled at the planning stage. However those parts not covered shall be researched in details in next stage.

Final Reflection Paper

1. In this course, we have focused on approaches that focus on the “higher levels” of the social-ecological model (organization, community, policy). What are two benefits of focusing public health practice on the higher levels versus the individual/interpersonal levels?

a. Please include specific examples to support each of the two benefits that you identify.

Community interventions and medical policies that cover higher levels, significantly contribute to minimizing the burden of poor health in the society as it covers an enormous number. For instance, community health nursing covers both the person and the entire family hence promoting good health. Through community nursing, it is easier to identify genetic disorders than it would be if the diagnosis and treatment got done at the individual level. After identification, proper treatment or preventive measure can get prescribed for the family, and even for the unborn children so as to treat or minimize the impact of the disorder. The general practitioner can also observe family interactions and risk factors that can be the cause if the disease. Ockene, et al., (2007), states that public health threats get addressed and prevented best from a community and multi-level perspective, through the media and increasing collaborations in the health systems.

Public health at higher levels is not only cheap but also encourages public participation hence improving the quality and state of health care. For example, community vaccination against a disease covers a wider number of individuals at a lower cost but delivers a great outcome as more people get vaccinated. Public health care at higher levels involves targeting communities with a similar factor such as geographic region, race, gender, or a particular health condition, and this makes it easier to manage using few resources in a short time framework. The media has also played a significant role in educating and mobilizing a large number of people regarding a certain public health concert at a low cost and within a short time.

2. Which one of the following approaches do you think should be the highest priority for public health practice? B. Community-Based Prevention C. Media Advocacy D. Prevention Policy & Legislative Advocacy E. Addressing Corporate Practices Explain and justify your choice, including responses to the following.

a. How does this approach contribute to public health practice?

b. Why is it more important/effective than the other approaches?

c. Why is it well-suited to an ecological perspective?

Media Advocacy

Media advocacy gets defined as a kind of public health communication that entails the use of various media for different purposes in the health sector. These purposes include communication of public health issues and measures, shape people’s opinion, mobilization of society’s activists and influencing decision makers on legal and public health policies. Media advocacy is a powerful tool for addressing numerous public health issues and threats more than community-Based Prevention, Prevention Policy, and Legislative Advocacy and addressing Corporate Practices. Media advocacy entails the multi-levels of public healthcare interventions that are individual, organization, network and society levels. It involves the prevention, treatment, and management of public health concerns.

Media applies different strategies to improve public health practice. One of the common techniques is through mass media (television, radio, internet, print publications and films) to disseminate information to the public (Edberg, 2007). Communication campaigns for public health practices such as campaigns against drug and substance abuse and best practices to promote public health that get communicated through public media influence people’s behaviors. Mass media may also get used to gain public support regarding a particular public health policy hence influencing the decision makers. The internet is also a vital tool for providing information concerning a public health issue as well as creating awareness. Technological advancement has also enabled easier interactions between the patient and the physician, such as tethered patient portals that allow communications between healthcare providers and the patient. These tethered patient portals enhance chronic disorder management, patient-health provider communication, patient’s compliance with medications and preventive services, and patient satisfaction (Otte-Trojel, et. al. 2014). The media also includes campaign programs such as the Truth campaign, campaign against HIV/AIDS, and National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign that promote public health through messages and campaign activities targeting the youth and parents. Media advocacy is also effective because, unlike the objective of addressing corporate practices that focus on a specific group, media advocacy reaches all individuals whether affected or not affected by the issue. Unlike prevention policy and legislative policy, media advocacy also covers o treatment and diagnosis of the public health issue.

Media advocacy is important and effective in the public health sector due to various reasons. Media advocacy can reach a broad audience in limited time. This audience includes decision makers, and individuals in remote areas that do not have access to a health facility, areas with poor infrastructure as well as areas hit by disasters such as floods. Media advocacy is effective since information always disseminated has a greater credibility than information presented through paid media advertisements. Media advocacy is also important since it is less costly. Media advocacy is one among the few public health interventions in which focus gets directed upstream to influence the environment in which individuals make various healthcare decisions. It gets used to accelerate and amplify the policy work so as to achieve the public health objectives for a safe and healthy environment in an informed and quick manner. Rowitz (2002), states that when media advocacy is community-based its most effective and entails collaborative measures at framing concerns, defining agendas, and monitoring the effectiveness of policy proposals.

Media advocacy in public health is well suited to an ecological perspective since it blends communications, politics, research and advocacy in achieving public health objectives (Dorfman & Krasnow, 2014).

3. Briefly, discuss which one of the approaches you think would be your preferred focus if you choose a career in public health. Some questions to consider:

a. Which one of the approaches do you feel best matches your personal strengths and weaknesses?

b. Which one do you feel is most aligned with the public health issues you are interested?

c. In what way do you anticipate that you would be involved in this approach?

Media advocacy
If I chose a career in public health, I would select media advocacy since by using the approach I would be able to reach a broad audience as well as influence public health policies. Through the use of creative writing which is one among my personal strengths, I would significantly make an impact in the public health sector. My publications and articles would emphasize on preventive and proper health habits, hence result in decreased health issues. I would also use research to identify emerging health threats and warn people in advance hence mitigate the impact of the risk or eliminate the problem.

Media advocacy is the most aligned with the public health issues of interest. For instance, most diseases are as a result of lack of information of certain avoidable actions. For example, diseases caused by poor dietary or tobacco and alcohol abuse or poor sanitation could easily get avoided and minimized if the community gets sensitized to the effects of these activities. Other diseases such as polio that can get prevented through immunization can get avoided if the society gets sensitized to the importance of vaccination of children at an early age. My aim in these activities would be to make the world a better place where diseases get prevented more that they get treated.

As an activist in public health sector, I would get involved in creative writing to sensitize people on certain components of public health. These components include effects of drug and substance abuse, the importance of maintaining a clean environment, proper hygiene, and public health. I would also get involved in organizing community support for the change in public health policies. I would also make publications regarding the current government policies regarding public health, the newest research regarding diseases and the effective prevention measures and also changes in the trend of the illnesses.

Transcribe an Audio

Riboswitches are regulatory elements transcribed RNA model. They respond to changes in PH, and temperature. A riboswitch consists of an element such as physical ligands which are bound together forming riboswitch binding site. ON the point binding to the ligand there is a confirmation switch connected to the riboswitch. The binding of a ligand to the riboswitch affects the expression of the gene directly connected to the riboswitch. And the gene product is responsible, for allowing the bacteria to respond to the ligand bound to the riboswitch. For example, if you have a ligand bound to a riboswitch and binding integration causes transformation changes in gene expression it will impact the expression of the linked chain which it gene products affects that ligand.

There are different regulatory outcomes and models that result when ligands bounds and dissociate from ribosomes. The first example shows the ribosome binding site located down. When the ligand binds, it causes transformation changes and ends up forming several structures, and in references to genetics, the structures formed will copy transformations, and termination gene products fall prematurely. If there is an operating frame the gene located in the DNA, it cannot transcribe that gene in the DNA model. In other words, the gene products won’t be synthesized because there are transcriptions formed on the DNA model. In the second example the ligand is not bound, so transcriptions are formed without the ligand. The riboswitches will affect the transcription of down changes. They affect translation. The ribosome binding site is facing different site thus it is not exposed for ligand binding. Hence there are no binding and ribosomes cannot translate. The functions of the ligand are therefore prevented. The ligand facilitates opening of the region allowing ribosomes to bind and translate. Riboswitches affect transcription in presence and absence of ligands.

There are millions of transcriptions and translation on a linked chain. The regulatory elements that only affects expansionary gene directly connected to the same riboswitch or DNA molecule are called cease regulatory elements. For example, in case there are two DNA molecules the expression of the gene is usually affected by the presence of regulator and promoter. The promoter is a cease regulatory element which only affects the gene linked to same DNA molecule. Riboswitches are found in a various number of packages such as Flavin mononucleotide (FMN) has similar functions to a co-factor. A cofactor is an organic or inorganic ion, or molecules required an active reaction. A riboswitch is responsive to the presence of FMN, in the absence of FMN, there is a determinator that forms between riboswitch and operating frame so that there can be continuous transcription and translation. In the presence of FMN, it binds to riboswitch, there is transformation changes and produces transcription terminators that prevent the transcription of genes to RNA model. The riboswitch simulates pathogens which are a form of infection pulses which causes mysterious infection. Riboflavin is an analog form of FMN which means that they are similar to each other Riboflavin has similar effects as FMN.

Transcriptional interference occurs when transcription from one stride prevent another transcription from happening the condition happens in the absence of enough methyl. In the presence of methyl, the riboswitch forms a transcription terminator, and there is no obstruction of production of genes sequences. There is a complete synthesis in the presence of methyl. The cells can sense the amount of substrate. Gene rearrangements are not similar to mutations. Gene rearrangement is a reversible process which is applied to bacteria during its development process.