Post-Graduation Self-Promotion Plan

Post-graduation self-promotion plan is a systematic process and activities that portray a graduate as an expert in their field, attract the ideal and potential employer and reveals how the graduate can help the business. A graduate should understand (Nelson, 2015):

The target audience to whom you will direct the promotion
Why you are going to promote yourself to the identified audience
What you are going to say about yourself during promotion
The plan has goals that it should meet to help the job candidate succeed in the process of job hunting. Some of the goals are (Georgiou et al., 2012):

To help provide direction thereby eliminating trial and error that would lead to saving time and money
To help and network with the main industries that fit the candidate career
To help the job candidate identify the skills that can be transferred
Determine various industries where the transferable skills fit
Resolve any challenges that hurt the candidates career and prevent the candidate from being invited for interviews
Candidate’s mission statement should appear in their plan. The mission state should, however, say what is important to the job candidate. The mission statement helps the candidate get his job hunting on track while also connecting with organizations with similar values and beliefs (Nasser & Abouchedid, 2012).

Key Self Promotion Tools
Market research: The tool involves the job candidate understanding trends in their field. They should also consult various resources such as the United States Department of Labor’s Occupational Outlook Handbook while also interviewing the professionals in the industry. They should also study the company they would like to work for and then use the information to write a cover letter and the resume (Tziner, Vered, & Ophir, 2004).
Marketing mix: The candidate should be familiar with the 4 Ps of marketing otherwise known as marketing mix that are a product, promotion, place, and price. The job candidate should then translate them regarding themselves and their career for success in job seeking (Tziner, Vered, & Ophir, 2004).
Product: The job candidate is a unique product with unique features and skills. The candidate should expose the features in the resume. They should let the employers know about the relevant job and leadership experience, membership to professional bodies, relevant skills, training, and education. On the same note, the job candidate should ensure their online promotion tools such as Facebook are clean and ready for the employer (Tziner, Vered, & Ophir, 2004).
Marketing: The tool addresses the cover letter, resume, phone calls, and interviewing. Marketing includes various things the candidate can use to get invited for an interview and eventually a job offer (Tziner, Vered, & Ophir, 2004).
Place: The tool includes various places the employer can access the job candidate. The candidate should ask themselves how they are reaching potential employers or people who can connect them to employers. It includes Internet job searching, cold calling, and networking among others (Tziner, Vered, & Ophir, 2004).

5 Ways To Write Better Job Descriptions

5 Ways To Write Better Job Descriptions

If you are to get the right candidates in the interview room, you’ll need to appeal to those candidates in the right way. That’s why the writing of the most informative and compelling job descriptions is such a key part of Online Recruitment.

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Here are just some of the techniques you should try to give your own firm’s job descriptions that bit more vital impact and relevance.

1. Come Up With A Clear Job Title

Is it obvious what the position title means from first glance, even for those from outside your company? If it isn’t, this may be because the title is too long or uses confusing terminology.

By carefully optimising your job title, you can come up something short and punchy, but also meaningful that even the most casual reader can quickly understand.

2. Outline What It’s Like To Work For You

Is the ‘vibe’ in your office formal or casual? Whatever your company culture may be, it’s vital to communicate this in the job description.

You may also do this in part by detailing certain specific features of life on your premises, such as morning meetings, team seminars and what travel arrangements are required to get to the office.

3. Stipulate The Daily Duties

Candidates will be able to better visualise what your vacancy is really about if you accurately describe the most mundane everyday requirements of the job.

Also consider what this job’s daily duties are likely to be in the future, so that the eventual recruit is unlikely to be surprised by how the position evolves over the coming months and years.

4. Detail The Most Valuable Skills

What are the skills necessary for this job to be done to the required standard?

If the candidate is well-informed on these, they will be able to compare them to their own skills and consider whether they are a truly suitable candidate for the role. This will help to narrow down the list of applicants to only those who are a good match to the position.

5. Explain What Would Represent The Greatest Success

You won’t want the person that you eventually hire for this position to be merely ‘good enough’, so it makes sense to precisely describe what would constitute particular success in the role.

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When every potential candidate knows this, those that walk into your interview room are likely to be more informed and better prepared to answer your most challenging questions.

If you are to recruit the best people for your vacancies, it isn’t enough just to know what your needs are for your open roles – they also need to be outlined in your job descriptions. This makes the most clear and informative descriptions all-important.

Follow the above steps, and you will maximise your chances of achieving this with your own firm’s job descriptions – and getting the best results from your online recruitment as a result.

RFID Technology in Library Management

The proposed RFID technology in the library management involves the step by step implementation and development. The major operations and modules of the entire RFID system involve the iterative process that favors the quality and development of the desired system. The RFID technology in the library management is a dedicated system that requires development using the system development lifecycle approaches. The major areas and iterations within the development process involve the research design and the analysis procedures.

The Research World View
The RFID technology for the library management shall get implemented following the design science research methodology. The research shall incorporate the investigation of the artificial IT artifacts that intends to incorporate new ideas into the existing ideas (Singh, & Midha, 2008). The research shall compare and contrast different types of the design processes. The design procedures shall follow the specified objectives, aims, and goals as reflected in the literature reviews and the proposals. The research incorporates thorough investigation on:

Relevant artifacts like the constructs of the RFID applications technology in the library
The RFID models and structures implemented in the public and the institutionally based library systems,
The design science research shall also incorporate the findings concerning the implementation methods, instantiations as well as the combination of different modules of the RFID technology in the library.
The design science research shall give the evaluation and verification of the design artifacts to access the viability of the proposed project in solving the existing problems in the library systems (Singh, & Midha, 2008).

Research Design
The design research shall concentrate with the IT artifacts about the RFID technology implementation in the libraries. The research design shall deal with the construction of the library domain that includes the conceptualization of the end user specifications. The design shall focus on implementing a permanent solution to the existing problem within the scope and domain of the RFID technology in the library. The research design implements the science research design through designing the propositions and statements that explain the relationship between and among different constructs. The design process shall provide the step by step process to give the directives on the guidelines on algorithms applied in the development of the RFID systems. The research design takes into consideration the instantiation of the user interface design, the database design and the tools that address different aspects of designing information like the Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tool. The deliverables in the design process shall include the use case diagrams, the data flow diagrams and the database relationship diagrams (Boucher, & Yalc?in, 2006).

Research Strategy
The design mentioned above process shall incorporate the implementation of the design science. The design strategy desires to generate new scholarly insight in the field of RFID technology. The strategy aims at ensuring that the development of the proposed RFID technology results to the quality system desired and specified by the end users. The research strategy shall apply two forms of research strategy namely the sequence of activities and the verification and evaluation of the created modules. The sequence of activities procedures shall incorporate the development of the innovative ideas and the creativity applied in the RFID library system. The evaluation and verification of the developed modules shall provide the feedback of the as well as generating new knowledge and progress of the problem under investigation (Boucher, & Yalc?in, 2006). The development strategies shall involve multiple iterations to ensure that the researcher gets satisfied in the process of researching and practicing. The research process shall take the principles of iterating the different modules and functionalities to facilitate production of the improved RFID system.

Proposed Method of Data Collection

The proposed methodology of data and information collection is specifically the qualitative research methodology. The methodology provides detailed information and data regarding the important benefits of implementing the RFID technology in the library services. The science research process has the clear presentation and provides fine preliminary analysis through collecting data and information based on case study. The case study approach of the data and information collection get considered best in the study involving social sciences. The case study strategy gives an in-depth investigation of the end users, the community, the groups and the events. The data and information get gathered from various sources through the use of observations, interviews, and the questionnaires. The analysis of the archived data and information shall get applied in the process of obtaining data and information for the primary and secondary comparison.

Unit of Analysis
The analysis process shall get based on the evolving research methods within a set of guidelines, principles and techniques within the research scope. The basic approaches and measures implemented in the process of data and information collections were involving the natural questions and answers sessions. The entire data and information analysis process shall involve the use grounded theory to determine the relationship and categories between and among the functionality modules. The unit of analysis techniques applied includes the theoretical sampling and the constant comparative methodologies (Boucher, & Yalc?in, 2006). The goal of the unit of analysis is the provision of the detailed theory that fits the real world as well as providing the empirical data that coincides with the end user specification and needs. The results of the analysis procedures shall get generalized based on the sampled individuals and groups. The outcome of the measured analyzed results will involve a substantial analysis and shall get involved in the development and implementation of the RFID library system.

The Parkland progressive public library is the proposed sample for implementing the research for the RFID technology in offering the library services. The library has well the elaborate history of using the different versions of the library technologies including the RFID technologies. The current library information system in the Parkland progressive public library implements RFID technology in active and real time basis (Bommel, 2005). The Parkland progressive public library is the most suitable sample for obtaining relevant qualitative data and information. The entire sampling process shall incorporate students and the general public who access the facilities and the services of the library. The parkland progressive public library is one of the civilized libraries in the world. The library gets specialized in the direct service delivery to the local students and the general public. The intended sample collection shall involve approximately 300 people selected randomly. The sampling shall also involve the library facilities that shall include 90 books picked randomly, 100 titles of periodicals selected from the existing inventory, the sample shall also include 50 maps and 100 microfilms and microfiches. The sampled objects and variables shall also include the 50 literature books selected from the catalog, 70 historical photos derived from the library archive as well as the 40 off prints selected from the browsed catalogs.

Proposed Method of Data Analysis
The collected data shall include the results of data and information obtained from the interviews, observations and the questionnaires. The interviewing process shall involve the application of the open – ended questions. The survey approach shall get involved to analyze the sampled data and information. The survey strategy shall use the special criteria to analyze the sampled information. The criteria shall involve setting up data and information in the archival form based on the user specifications; the problems got solved as well as the needs satisfaction (Chiang et al… 2009). The following categories of data shall get implemented in the process of data and information analysis.

The applications, implementation and usage of RFID technology in the library
The tangible and intangible cost of implementing, maintaining and installing the RFID technology
The security measures involved in the implementation of the RFID technology in library
The functionality guarantee on the counting and inventory maintenance using the RFID technology in library
The search and find procedures applied in accessing the facilities and services of the library system, for example, searching for books

The proposed RFID technology in the library management shall get implemented through following the suggested design for developing design according to the user specifications and needs. The design procedures shall follow the suggested design science research approaches to ensure that quality and the right RFID system get presented to the end users.